Chen Weishen
Postwave Publishing (Beijing) Art Director Wscgraphic Studio founder
2009年起為多家出版社設計書籍封面,2016年擔任後浪出版公司(北京)設計總監一職。2020年成立圖文游擊設計工作室。 第十屆全國書籍設計藝術展《非親非故》《白鯨》《缺席的城市》獲得入圍, 2017-2018年獲得年度兩岸書封設計大賞百件作品。作品收錄於《解剖裝幀一一解剖書籍裝幀的設計脈絡,深度探究20位設計師的創作觀》。 2012年台北美術獎主視覺設計 。金蝶獎台灣出版設計大獎入選、金蝶獎─新世代書封設計比賽創意獎。
Since 2009, he has designed book covers for many publishers .In 2016, he became the design director of Post Wave Publishing Company (Beijing).In 2020, he founded the WSCGRAPHIC Design Studio.
His works "Neither relatives nor friends", "Moby Dick" and "La Ciudad Ausente" were shortlisted for the 10th National Book Design Art Exhibition.
In 2017-2018, he won the Top 100 Works of the “Cross-strait” Book Cover Design Competition.
His works are included in "Anatomy of book cover - Deciphering the Design Context of Book cover , In-depth Exploration of the Creative Views of 20 Designers".
2012 Taipei Art Award Visual Design.
Selected for the Golden Butterfly Award for Taiwan Publishing Design, and the Creative Award of the Golden Butterfly Award - New Generation Book Cover Design Competition.
Graphic designer
Wu Weiguagn吳偉光
朝陽科大視傳系畢,專長於文案、字體、圖像、編排等設計工作,作品包含識別、書封、包裝等。作品曾獲選於東京TDC、RED DOT、CGDA、TISDC等國際競賽,亦入圍2018朝倉直巳教授獎、2019 Behance Reviews NTUST、2019-20放視大賞等,並曾於柏林、上海、台灣等地展出。
Born in Yilan, Taiwan. Completed B.A. degree in design from Department of Visual Communication Design, Chaoyang University of Technology. Focusing on graphic design works such as copywriting, font design, image design and layout design. Worked in Liaoweigraphic as an intern. Participated in design project that was commissioned by Chiuko Publishing, NAKAMA publishing, Young Art etc. during the internship. The winner of international awards including Red dot, CGDA, TISDC. His works were selected for 2018 Asakura Naomi Memorial Award, 2019 Behance Reviews NTUST, 2019&20 Vison Get Wild Award, 2021 TOKYOTDC and exhibited in Berlin, Shanghai and Taiwan.
Award 獎
Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2021╱Selected
CGDA Visual Communication Design Award 2019╱Silver Award
Taiwan International Student Design Competition 2019╱Finalists
Exhibition 展
Social Design Exhibition Asia 2020╱Shanghai, China